
What clients are saying...

Industrial Testimonials

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"Simply put, Breakthrough Horizons delivers. They took the time to understand our business needs and provides innovative solutions to help us quickly resolve our problems. Breakthrough Horizons gets manufacturing. The no-nonsense approach drives business transformation by challenging the leadership to think differently to achieve the business objectives.

Warning!!! If you want the same old consultant approach then don’t hire this organization. If you are looking for something different, want business transformation in all areas (Order to Cash) then I recommend you talking to them to see how they can solve your business needs. Breakthrough Horizons has helped us fill in the gaps to drive the necessary changes to help drive sales growth, improved operating margin, and enhanced customer satisfaction."

Dan Davis Vice President of Continuous Improvement, Center of Excellence - Xylem

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“This has to be the first time in years if not decades that we closed a month in 10 days. Based on conversations with the team, several more days can be taken out of the process, leaving more time for higher value analysis of our business, leading to increasing operating profit. This was a breakthrough event for BDI.”

John Ruth President, BDI USA

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“Since our first crop was ready for harvest, we have engaged with Breakthrough Horizons to guide and assist us on our cultural journey toward improvement. Breakthrough has helped us create and build out our daily management system and our improvement system using value stream plans and kaizen activity.  Our improvement system is predicated on creating standards to drive the safety, quality and productivity of our work built from the minds of the world’s greatest experts, the people that do the work every day.   As we start to mature in out start up activities, we have used Breakthrough to help develop and deploy our organizational strategy through strategy deployment.   Using A3 thinking to deliver on our strategic goals, gives us a competitive advantage in the marketplace.  I am thankful to have lean expertise coaching from Breakthrough Horizons.”

Michael Elias CEO, Common Citizen

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“Our challenge was to optimize the administrative functions of our Telecommunications business. We are funded through private equity. Our ability to meet customer demand, grow our business, and strengthen our balance sheet and income statement were of paramount importance. Breakthrough Horizons was instrumental in teaching our team that we could grow 40% with the resource we had. The combination of breakthrough thinking, streamlined process, and management coaching enabled us to exceed our expectations.”

CEO, Fiber Optics Telecommunications

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“Our team was very skeptical of lean, the jargon that comes with it and expectations for superior performance. As a legacy company, having been in our industry for 75 years, we were more concerned with not breaking anything and really getting to world class improvement. We quickly learned that with the right process and coaching and the engagement of the people doing the work, anything is possible. We saw a 40% improvement in productivity, a 35% improvement in through-put and 16% sales growth in our model line in the first year. Breakthrough’s team of 3 consultants delivered compelling value.”

CEO, Recreational Vehicle Industry

Healthcare Testimonials

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"The Breakthrough Horizons team helped us take a strategic look at our lean transformation. From day one, we were challenged to tie our improvement activity back to the strategic measures that matter most for our health system. Along with the strategic view, we were able to capitalize on some early quick wins that helped our improvement program gain credibility.

I would highly recommend Breakthrough Horizons to any organization that is early in your journey as well as organizations that have established improvement programs that need an outside expert to challenge them to move to the next level. This team is the best in the business, in my opinion."

Kurt Knoth Vice President, Performance Improvement - Spectrum Health

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"Breakthrough Horizons has taught us what 'Lean thinking' really means. Through their expertise and insights, they have helped us to see Lean as a mindset, not just a methodology. This has allowed us to adopt Lean as our new enterprise-wide management philosophy and successfully drive operational and cultural change throughout our entire organization."

Michele James B.Sc., MBA, CHE, Vice President and Chief Transformation Officer - Rouge Valley Health System

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"We were fortunate to have had the opportunity to work early with Breakthrough Horizons in our Lean Journey that focused on system-wide challenges involving transitions with other healthcare organizations. From that foundational work, Central CCAC has gone on to train the majority of its management staff in lean instilling a continuous quality improvement culture throughout the organization."

Perry Doody MBA, Senior Director - Central CCAC

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“We have been in a financial squeeze for a few years now. Our ability to grow, improve our bottom line and stabilize our organization have been our priority. Breakthrough Horizons came to our organization, did an opportunity assessment, gained consensus on the projects, organized the work teams, and built out the governance structure to enable us to be efficient and effective. In a little over 12 weeks, we have been able to save $11.3 million annualized in hard savings. We had no path prior to this engagement. This team is highly recommended.”

System Vice President of Ancillary Services, eighteen hospital system serving three states

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“We are an east coast, teaching children’s hospital affiliated with a university. Our objective was to transform a specialty program using lean thinking. After an extensive bid process, we selected Breakthrough Horizons as our partner. We used lean operating systems to transform our specialty clinic, and lean management systems to build our leadership culture and develop our sustainability framework. The three-person Breakthrough Horizons team led us to a 21% improvement in access allowing children with important health issues increased access our services. This led to a 15% increase in revenue yielding a five to one return on our investment. More importantly we are better meeting the needs of our community and as a specialty clinic, the needs of the state.”

CEO, Children’s Hospital